There is Power In The Name Of Jesus.
"Nothing is Impossible With GOD"
Healing Room
Providing focused, personal prayer for those who need healing for the body and soul. Healing room is a Healing service and Deliverance through the Word of God and Prayer.
We will sit down with you in a private and confidential appointment to uncover the hindrances to healing, wholeness, and freedom.
Spirit Church
Spirit Church is the online unlimited Church, the church whithout walls features the evangelistic healing ministry of Apriliya Orevi. Spirit Church Available by Skype, WA and LINE. Spirit Church covers Europe, Asia, South Africa, Australia and various other regions of the world.
Women’s Discipleship is confronting the issues that women are facing today by providing the power resources, mentoring, training, and study opportunities according the word of God, that will focus on spiritual maturity as a woman, character and integrity in life choices, values and unique spiritual gifts through discipleship awareness.